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Data Owner​

The data owner is an entity that can create and manipulate data. In iCure, it can be a patient, a practitioner or a device. The data owner is also responsible for encrypting the data it creates and making sure it can only be decrypted by data owners that should be able to access it.

  • Patient: The patient is the recipient of care. Nearly all medical information inside iCure is linked directly or indirectly to a patient. The patient entity is usually created during the first contact of a patient with a healthcare party. The administrative information of the patient can be partially or totally encrypted before being saved inside the patient entity.

  • Practitioner: A practitioner is someone who is recognized to provide care or services for a patient. A practitioner is either an individual practitioner (a doctor, a nurse, a physiotherapist, etc…) or an organization (a clinic, a hospital, a government authority, etc…). A practitioner includes anyone who is a stakeholder for the patient health and can access and manage the patient's file.

  • Organisation: An organisation is an entity that groups practitioners.


An Observation can be any piece of information related to the health of a patient. This includes subjective information provided by the patient, such as complaints, reason for visit, feelings, etc… or objective information like bio-metric measures (blood pressure, temperature, heart beat, etc…), or physical exam description, diagnosis, prescription, integration of lab reports from another healthcare party, action plan, etc…;

Any action performed by a practitioner which is relevant for the condition of a patient should be encoded as an observation.


Most of the entities in iCure have labels and codes attributes. The codes are based on standard terminology systems used in the healthcare industry.


Snomed CT is a terminology system that contains medical concepts and their relationships. It is used to describe medical concepts in iCure like diseases, symptoms, procedures, etc…


Logical Observation Identifiers Names and Codes (LOINC) is a standard for identifying medical observations and measurements. It is used to describe medical concepts in iCure like lab results, vital signs, etc…


Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System (ATC) is a standard for classifying drugs. It is used to describe medical concepts in iCure like drugs, etc…


International Classification of Diseases version 10 (ICD-10) is a standard for classifying diseases. It is used to describe medical concepts in iCure like diseases, etc…