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In this section, we will see how to clone the project and launch the tutorial application.

1. Clone the project​

To begin, you need to clone the tutorial project. To do so, open a terminal and run the following command:

git clone

Alternatively, create a repository from the tutorial template (More information here).

2. Install dependencies​

Once the project is cloned, you need to install the project dependencies. To do so, open a terminal and run the following command:


3. Install pods (iOS only)​

If you want to run the application on iOS, you need to install the pods. To do so, open a terminal and run the following command:

yarn run pod-install

In case of issue with pod installation​

During the writing of this tutorial, we encountered an issue with pod installation.

Your Ruby version is X.X.X, but your Gemfile specified X.X.X​

If you installed XCode on your machine, it is possible that it installed as well a version of Ruby which is not compatible with the version required by ReactNative. If that's the case, the following error will output when executing the pod-install yarn command: Your Ruby version is X.X.X, but your Gemfile specified X.X.X.

In this case, we suggest using RVM or rbenv to install a version of Ruby required by the project.

Once the Ruby version is installed, you will have to install the pods by using this additional command:

cd ios && bundle install && cd ..
yarn run pod-install

version X.X.X is not installed​

It is also possible that you don't have the Ruby version used by the tutorial project (See file .ruby-version) installed on your machine. You will therefore have the error rbenv: version 'X.X.X' is not installed.

To resolve this issue, use RVM or rbenv to install the required Ruby version.

pod: command not found​

When trying to install your pods, you can also get the error pod: command not found. To resolve this issue, you have to install the cocoapods gem using: sudo gem install cocoapods.

Could not find ... in locally installed gems​

Pod-install command can also leads you to a similar error message: Could not find cocoapods-1.11.3, ... in locally installed gems.

To resolve this issue, you will have to install the bundle manually to install the missing gems. For this, execute the following command:

cd ios && bundle install && cd ..

4. Launch the application​

Once the dependencies are installed, you need to launch the application to verify that everything is correct. To do so, open a terminal and run the following command:

yarn run ios

Let's now configure your first iCure solution.