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Now that we have the ability to register as a user, we would need now to be able to login as a user. The process is very similar to the registration process, since we will use the same API methods startAuthenticationand completeAuthentication.

But we have 2 scenarios to handle:

  • The user wants to login and will follow more or less the same process as the registration process.
  • The user wants to login and there is already a session opened for this user (credentials have been persisted during the last session). In this case, we will just need to retrieve the session information, instantiate a MedTechApi and navigate to the main page.

We will handle both scenarios in the same activity, and we will use the login method to handle the second case.

Login async thunk implementation​

// ...
export const login = createAsyncThunk('medTechApi/login', async (_, {getState}) => {
const {
medTechApi: {email, token},
} = getState() as {medTechApi: MedTechApiState};

if (!email) {
throw new Error('No email provided');

if (!token) {
throw new Error('No token provided');

const api = await new MedTechApiBuilder()
const userKeyPair = await api.initUserCrypto();
const user = await api.userApi.getLoggedUser();
await api.addKeyPair(api.dataOwnerApi.getDataOwnerIdOf(user), userKeyPair[0]);

apiCache[`${user.groupId}/${}`] = api;

return user?.marshal();

export const api = createSlice({
name: 'medTechApi',
reducers: {
setRegistrationInformation: (state, { payload: { firstName, lastName, email } }: PayloadAction<{ firstName: string; lastName: string; email: string }>) => {
state.firstName = firstName;
state.lastName = lastName; = email;
setToken: (state, { payload: { token } }: PayloadAction<{ token: string }>) => {
state.token = token;
state.invalidToken = false;
setEmail: (state, {payload: {email}}: PayloadAction<{email: string}>) => { = email;
state.invalidEmail = false;
extraReducers: builder => {
builder.addCase(startAuthentication.fulfilled, (state, { payload: authProcess }) => {
state.authProcess = authProcess;
builder.addCase(startAuthentication.rejected, (state, { }) => {
state.invalidEmail = true;
builder.addCase(completeAuthentication.fulfilled, (state, { payload: user }) => {
state.user = user as User; = true;
builder.addCase(completeAuthentication.rejected, (state, { }) => {
state.invalidToken = true;
builder.addCase(login.fulfilled, (state, { payload: user }) => {
state.user = user as User; = true;
builder.addCase(login.rejected, (state, { }) => {
state.invalidToken = true; = false;

export const { setRegistrationInformation, setToken, setEmail } = api.actions;

Frontend implementation​

Login activity will be the first activity loaded by the application. We will use the useEffect hook to check if there is already a session opened for the user. If there is, we will call the login method to retrieve the session information and navigate to the main page.

If there is no session opened, we will display the login form and follow the same process as the registration process (without firstname/lastname input field).

// ...
import { useAppSelector, useAppDispatch } from '../redux/hooks';
import { setToken, login, completeAuthentication, startAuthentication } from '../services/api';

export const Login = () => {
const [isWaitingForCode, setWaitingForCode] = useState(false);
const {
formState: {errors},
} = useForm({
defaultValues: {
userEmail: '',
userCode: '',

const {online, lsUsername, lsToken} = useAppSelector(state => ({
lsUsername: state.petra?.savedCredentials?.login,
lsToken: state.petra?.savedCredentials?.token,

const navigate = useNavigate();
const dispatch = useAppDispatch();

useEffect(() => {
if (lsUsername && lsToken && dispatch) {
dispatch(setEmail({email: lsUsername}));
dispatch(setToken({token: lsToken}));
}, [navigate, lsUsername, lsToken, dispatch]);

useEffect(() => {
if (online) {
}, [online, navigate]);

const onLogin = (data: {userCode: string}) => {
dispatch(setToken({token: data.userCode}));
const onAskCode = (data: {userEmail: string}) => {
dispatch(setEmail({email: data.userEmail}));

// ...

That should be it for the login process. You can now try to register a new user, and see if it works.