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Now that we have setup Redux and our local storage, we can start to implement the registration of a user.

To do this, we will need first to setup the different things required to be able to use the SDK through Redux/ReactNative.

State and API cache​

We will start by creating our app state and the cache for the API.

import { AnonymousMedTechApi, MedTechApi, User } from "@icure/medical-device-sdk";
import { AuthenticationProcess } from "@icure/medical-device-sdk/src/models/AuthenticationProcess";

export interface MedTechApiState {
email?: string;
token?: string;
user?: User;
keyPair?: { publicKey: string; privateKey: string };
authProcess?: AuthenticationProcess;
online: boolean;
invalidEmail: boolean;
invalidToken: boolean;
firstName?: string;
lastName?: string;
dateOfBirth?: number;
mobilePhone?: string;

const initialState: MedTechApiState = {
email: undefined,
token: undefined,
user: undefined,
keyPair: undefined,
authProcess: undefined,
online: false,
invalidEmail: false,
invalidToken: false,
firstName: undefined,
lastName: undefined,
dateOfBirth: undefined,
mobilePhone: undefined,

const apiCache: { [key: string]: MedTechApi | AnonymousMedTechApi } = {};

We plan to "cache" the API instances in an Object, since we can't store them in a Redux Store.

Registration: Start authentication​

Here we are, we can start to implement the registration of a user.

The process is quite simple, we will need to create a new AnonymousMedTechApi instance, provide the differents variable and implementation (as the storage we created in the previous section) and call the startAuthentication method of the AuthenticationApi. This method will return an AuthenticationProcess object, that we will store in the state.

// ...
import Config from "react-native-config";
import crypto from '@icure/icure-react-native-crypto';
import storage from '../utils/storage';
import {AnonymousMedTechApi, AnonymousMedTechApiBuilder, MedTechApi, MedTechApiBuilder, User, ua2b64} from '@icure/medical-device-sdk';
// ...

const apiCache: { [key: string]: MedTechApi | AnonymousMedTechApi } = {};

export const startAuthentication = createAsyncThunk('medTechApi/startAuthentication', async (_payload, {getState}) => {
const {
medTechApi: {email, firstName, lastName, recaptcha},
} = getState() as {medTechApi: MedTechApiState};

if (!email) {
throw new Error('No email provided');

const anonymousApi = await new AnonymousMedTechApiBuilder()

const authProcess = await anonymousApi.authenticationApi.startAuthentication(

apiCache[`${authProcess.login}/${authProcess.requestId}`] = anonymousApi;

return authProcess;

The crypto import is a custom implementation of the WebCrypto API, it emulates the WebCrypto from the browser directly to ReactNative, you can check the implementation of it here.

To be able to set the email and firstName/lastName in the state, we will need to create a reducer. Also, we will need to add startAuthentication callbacks to the reducer, to be able to set the authProcess in the state.

// ...
export const api = createSlice({
name: 'medTechApi',
reducers: {
setRegistrationInformation: (state, { payload: { firstName, lastName, email } }: PayloadAction<{ firstName: string; lastName: string; email: string }>) => {
state.firstName = firstName;
state.lastName = lastName; = email;
extraReducers: builder => {
builder.addCase(startAuthentication.fulfilled, (state, { payload: authProcess }) => {
state.authProcess = authProcess;
builder.addCase(startAuthentication.rejected, (state, { }) => {
state.invalidEmail = true;

export const { setRegistrationInformation } = api.actions;

To make the reducer available in the Redux Store, we will need to add it to the appReducer:

// ...
import { api } from '../services/api';

export const appReducer = combineReducers({
petra: petra.reducer,
medTechApi: api.reducer,


Now that we have the first step of the registration process implemented, we can start to implement the frontend.

import { useAppDispatch, useAppSelector } from '../redux/hooks';
import { setRegistrationInformation, startAuthentication } from '../services/api';

export const Register = (): JSX.Element => {
const {
formState: {errors},
} = useForm({
defaultValues: {
userFirstName: '',
userLastName: '',
userEmail: '',
userCode: '',
const navigate = useNavigate();
const dispatch = useAppDispatch();

const [isWaitingForCode, setWaitingForCode] = useState(false);

const onAskCode = (data: { userEmail: string; userFirstName: string; userLastName: string }) => {
email: data.userEmail,
firstName: data.userFirstName,
lastName: data.userLastName

const onRegister = (data: { userEmail: string; userFirstName: string; userLastName: string; userCode: string }) => {
// ...

This will allow us to set the email, firstName and lastName in the state, and to start the authentication process when the user press the button.

Registration: Complete authentication​

Now that we have started the authentication process, we can implement the second step of the registration process.

The process is quite simple, we need to call the completeAuthentication method of the AuthenticationApi with the authProcess and the token that we received from the email. This will return a MedTechApi instance, that we will need to store in the cache.

To be able to set the online state, we will need to add completeAuthentication callbacks to the reducer, to be able to set the online state .

// ...
export const completeAuthentication = createAsyncThunk('medTechApi/completeAuthentication', async (_payload, {getState, dispatch}) => {
const {
medTechApi: {authProcess, token},
} = getState() as {medTechApi: MedTechApiState};

if (!authProcess) {
throw new Error('No authProcess provided');

if (!token) {
throw new Error('No token provided');

const anonymousApi = apiCache[`${authProcess.login}/${authProcess.requestId}`] as AnonymousMedTechApi;
const result = await anonymousApi.authenticationApi.completeAuthentication(authProcess, token);
const api = result.medTechApi;
const user = await api.userApi.getLoggedUser();

apiCache[`${result.groupId}/${result.userId}`] = api;
delete apiCache[`${authProcess.login}/${authProcess.requestId}`];

dispatch(setSavedCredentials({login: `${result.groupId}/${result.userId}`, token: result.token, tokenTimestamp:}));

return user?.marshal();

// ...

export const api = createSlice({
name: 'medTechApi',
reducers: {
setRegistrationInformation: (state, { payload: { firstName, lastName, email } }: PayloadAction<{ firstName: string; lastName: string; email: string }>) => {
state.firstName = firstName;
state.lastName = lastName; = email;
setToken: (state, {payload: {token}}: PayloadAction<{token: string}>) => {
state.token = token;
state.invalidToken = false;
extraReducers: builder => {
builder.addCase(startAuthentication.fulfilled, (state, { payload: authProcess }) => {
state.authProcess = authProcess;
builder.addCase(startAuthentication.rejected, (state, { }) => {
state.invalidEmail = true;
builder.addCase(completeAuthentication.fulfilled, (state, { payload: user }) => {
state.user = user as User; = true;
builder.addCase(completeAuthentication.rejected, (state, { }) => {
state.invalidToken = true;

export const { setRegistrationInformation, setToken } = api.actions;


Now that we have the completeAuthentication method implemented, we can implement the frontend.

We will add a useEffect that will check if the user is online, and if it is, we will redirect him to the home activity.

// ...
import {completeAuthentication, setRegistrationInformation, setToken, startAuthentication} from '../services/api';
// ...

export const Register = (): JSX.Element => {
const {
formState: {errors},
} = useForm({
defaultValues: {
userFirstName: '',
userLastName: '',
userEmail: '',
userCode: '',
const navigate = useNavigate();
const dispatch = useAppDispatch();

const {online} = useAppSelector(state => ({

useEffect(() => {
if (online) {
}, [online, navigate]);

const [isWaitingForCode, setWaitingForCode] = useState(false);

const onAskCode = (data: {userEmail: string; userFirstName: string; userLastName: string}) => {
dispatch(setRegistrationInformation({email: data.userEmail, firstName: data.userFirstName, lastName: data.userLastName}));

const onRegister = (data: {userCode: string}) => {
dispatch(setToken({token: data.userCode}));
// ...

That should be it for the registration process. You can now try to register a new user, and see if it works.


If you encounter any issue, make sur that your environment variables are correctly set.

Finally, go to Cockpit and check the patient list of your solution. You should now see your newly registered patient.