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Some setup

In order to have an easier time with the tutorial, we will create some utility functions to help us with the code.

guard and getError​

export const guard = async <T>(guardedInputs: unknown[], lambda: () => Promise<T>): Promise<{error: FetchBaseQueryError} | {data: T}> => {
if (guardedInputs.some(x => !x)) {
return {data: undefined};
try {
const res = await lambda();
const curate = (result: T): T => {
return (
result === null || result === undefined
? null
: res instanceof ArrayBuffer
? ua2b64(res)
: Array.isArray(result)
: typeof result === 'object'
? (result as any).marshal()
: result
) as T;
return {data: curate(res)};
} catch (e) {
return {error: getError(e as Error)};

function getError(e: Error): FetchBaseQueryError {
return {status: 'CUSTOM_ERROR', error: e.message, data: undefined};

guard is a function that takes an array of inputs and a lambda function. If any of the inputs are falsy, it returns {data: undefined}. Otherwise, it runs the lambda function and returns {data: T} if it succeeds, or {error: FetchBaseQueryError} if it fails.


export const getApiFromState = async (getState: () => MedTechApiState | {medTechApi: MedTechApiState} | undefined): Promise<MedTechApi | undefined> => {
const state = getState();
if (!state) {
throw new Error('No state found');
const medTechApiState = 'medTechApi' in state ? state.medTechApi : state;
const {user} = medTechApiState;

if (!user) {
return undefined;

const cachedApi = apiCache[`${user.groupId}/${}`] as MedTechApi;

return cachedApi;

getApiFromState is a function that will return the MedTechApi instance from the state. It will return undefined if the user is not logged in.


export const currentUser = (getState: () => unknown) => {
const state = getState() as {medTechApi: MedTechApiState};
return state.medTechApi.user;

currentUser is a function that will return the current user from the state.


export const medTechApi = async (getState: () => unknown) => {
const state = getState() as {medTechApi: MedTechApiState};
return await getApiFromState(() => state);

medTechApi is a function that will return the MedTechApi instance from the state.

tagsByIds and tagsByIdsPaginated​

Those two functions are used to transform the result of a query into a list of tags used by Redux. They are used the endpoints that we will create in the next chapter.

export const tagsByIds =
<TagType extends string>(tagType: TagType, listMarker?: string) =>
(result: {id?: string}[] | undefined) => {
const listMarkerTag = listMarker ? [{type: tagType, id: listMarker}] : [];
return result ?{id}: {id?: string}) => ({type: tagType, id})).concat(listMarkerTag) : [];

export const tagsByIdsPaginated =
<TagType extends string>(tagType: TagType, listMarker?: string) =>
(result: {rows?: {id?: string}[]}) =>
tagsByIds(tagType, listMarker)(result?.rows ?? []);