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Implement a persistent user session (aka "Remember-me or "Stay logged in")


On this page, we will see how to set up a persistent user session that allows the user to have a new sessionautomatically created when they return to the application.


It will be easier for you to follow the different concepts discussed in this documentation if you have reviewed the section Initialize the SDK.


To set up a persistent session, you need a way to store the user’s credentials on the device (or elsewhere depending on your use cases). This can be done using cookies or the browser’s localStorage, SharedPreferences on Android, or UserDefaults on iOS, etc.

To outline the plan, we assume that you already have a method to store the user’s credentials and that you have already implemented a method to retrieve them. Additionally, you have already initialized the SDK with the user’s username and password.

Obtain a long-lived token​

First step is to obtain a long-lived token. We will store this token in the persistent storage alongside the username.

In this example, we will use a 30-day long-lived token. This token will be valid as long as it is not expired or revoked.

The token will be identified by a key that is unique to the device. This key have to be unique for each device/user, getting a token with the same key will invalidate the previous token.

import kotlin.time.Duration.Companion.days

val tokenKey = buildString {
val currentUser = sdk.user.getCurrentUser()
val longToken = sdk.user.getToken(, tokenKey, 30.days.inWholeSeconds)
saveCredentialsInPersistentStorage("username", longToken)

Retrieve the long-lived token and re-authenticate the user​

When the user returns to the application, you need to retrieve the long-lived token from the persistent storage and re-authenticate the user.

import com.icure.sdk.auth.UsernameLongToken
import com.icure.sdk.options.AuthenticationMethod
import com.icure.sdk.options.EncryptedFieldsConfiguration
import com.icure.sdk.options.SdkOptions

val (username, longToken) = getCredentialsFromPersistentStorage()
val auth = AuthenticationMethod.UsingCredentials(UsernameLongToken(username, longToken))\n
val sdk = IcureSdk.initialize(
encryptedFields = EncryptedFieldsConfiguration(
patient = setOf("notes", "addresses")

And that's it! You have successfully implemented a first version of persistent user session in your application.


A persistent session can pose a security risk for the user. Once the authentication token is in the hands of an attacker , they can access the application as the user.

To mitigate these risks, it will not be possible to request another long-lived token from an SDK initialized with a long-lived token. You will need to request a new token from an SDK instance initialized with a more secure authentication method (e.g., short-lived token, password, etc.).