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Sharing data between many data owners

In some applications, you have groups of collaborating doctors each sharing the data of their patients with all their colleagues.

A basic implementation for this scenario could have each doctor sharing each patient and piece of medical data they create with all their colleagues. However, every time a piece of data is shared between two users, the Cardinal SDK adds some metadata to the shared entity. As long as there are few doctors involved in these collaborating groups, or as long as only a few documents require full sharing between all the doctors, the space overhead used by the sharing metadata should be negligible. In other cases, however, the overhead may start to become significant.

An alternative solution to cover these cases would be instead to use hierarchical data owners.

Hierarchical data owners​

Healthcare parties can be organized hierarchically using a tree structure, where each healthcare party can have a parent. You can use these hierarchies to group the healthcare parties. For example, you can have an HCP representing the hospital at the root. Then you have HCPs representing different departments such as cardiology or radiology as children to the hospital HCP. Finally, you have the actual doctors that are children to the HCP representing their department.

This hierarchy could be used to represent the organization of a hospital, but this is not its main purpose. Instead, the main purpose of healthcare party hierarchies is to provide more flexibility in the entity sharing processes and access control when working in complex scenarios. Normally, healthcare parties have access only to the data that was created by or directly shared with them. If you enable hierarchical data owners for your application, however, the healthcare parties will also gain access to all data that was created by or shared with any of their ancestors.

This allows more easily sharing data with large groups of doctors: if a doctor needs to share data with its entire department instead of sharing it with each other doctor in the department, they only need to share it with the HCP for their department.


Currently, only healthcare parties can be part of data owner hierarchies.

However, the general concepts for data owner hierarchies could apply also to other types of data owners if implemented in the future.

Set up hierarchical data owners​

Setting up hierarchical data owners for your application, you need to:

  1. Configure the hierarchy in the data owners entity
  2. Assign the hierarchical data owner roles to the affected users
  3. Configure the SDK initialization to use the hierarchical data owners
  4. Have key pairs for the parent data owners and distribute them to the children

Configuring the data owners hierarchy​

You will have to decide a hierarchy that is suitable for your use case and apply it to any existing healthcare party, using a user with the appropriate permissions. When working with the default roles only admins and users with the HCP_USER_MANAGER role can do this.

You will also have to make sure that you properly set the parent id when creating the new users.

Assigning roles​

The HCPs need special permissions to be allowed to retrieve data shared with their parents. When using default roles, you can provide these permissions through the HIERARCHICAL_DATA_OWNER role.

We recommend that you use the cockpit to configure the default roles for healthcare parties in your group to include the HIERARCHICAL_DATA_OWNER role (🚧).

Configure the SDK​

When initializing the SDK you will have to say that you want to use hierarchical data owners, to have it load and use all the keypairs for parent data owners.

This is done by setting useHierarchicalDataOwners to true in the SdkOptions:

import com.icure.cardinal.sdk.CardinalSdk
import com.icure.cardinal.sdk.auth.UsernamePassword
import com.icure.cardinal.sdk.options.AuthenticationMethod
import com.icure.cardinal.sdk.options.EncryptedFieldsConfiguration
import com.icure.cardinal.sdk.options.SdkOptions

suspend fun initializeMySdk(username: String, password: String) =
AuthenticationMethod.UsingCredentials(UsernamePassword(username, password)),
useHierarchicalDataOwners = true

Configure keypairs for the parent data owners​

Healthcare parties can't create keypairs for their parents: the initialization of the keypairs for a parent data owner can instead be done by an administrator of the organization.

Sharing data with parents and siblings​

Sharing data with other healthcare parties in a hierarchical environment is done using in the same way as in any other environment. The only thing you should consider is that when a user is sharing data with another data owner, they're implicitly sharing data also with all the children of that data owner.

Therefore, if a doctor wants to share data with all other doctors in the hospital they can share the data with the hospital HCP. If, instead, the doctor only wants to share data with a specific colleague they will have to share the data directly only with that colleague.