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Start your React JS App

Now your iCure environment is successfully set up, you will be able to start the creation of your React JS App.

To make it easier for you, we created a React JS Template Repository, that includes:

  • All the needed dependencies to work with iCure in a React JS app;
  • A fully implemented authentication flow, to allow you to directly start working with medical data.

We use Friendly-Captcha as our CAPTCHA solution in the template's authentication implementation, as we consider it more privacy friendly than Google reCaptcha. If you would like to use Google reCAPTCHA in your React JS solution, you will have to implement your own reCAPTCHA component first.


To work with our React JS Template, make sure the following tools are installed on your machine:

Create your project​

Create your React JS App by executing the following command in a terminal:

yarn create react-app <your-icure-medtech-react-app> --template @icure/cra-template-icure-medtech

Once your project is created and yarn installed the needed dependencies, you should see a similar entry:

✨  Done in 6.16s.

Created git commit.
Success! Created <your-icure-medtech-react-app> at /...
Inside that directory, you can run several commands:

yarn start
Starts the development server.

yarn build
Bundles the app into static files for production.

yarn test
Starts the test runner.

yarn eject
Removes this tool and copies build dependencies, configuration files
and scripts into the app directory. If you do this, you can’t go back!

We suggest that you begin by typing:
cd <your-icure-medtech-react-app>
yarn start

Happy hacking!
✨ Done in 68.47s.

Your React App created, let's add the missing information to complete an authentication process successfully in your app.

Add the authentication information in .env​

While you initialized your environment in Quick Start, we asked you to keep a series of information:

  • the EXTERNAL_SERVICES_SPEC_ID, identifying your solution in our Authentication component;
  • the EMAIL_AUTHENTICATION_PROCESS_ID or SMS_AUTHENTICATION_PROCESS_ID, identifying the email / SMS template to send to your users during their registration or login;
  • the PARENT_ORGANISATION_ID, identifying your organization as the responsible of the users created through your solution.
  • possibly the FRIENDLY_CAPTCHA_SITE_KEY, in case you decided to use the DEMO Friendly-Captcha temporarily provided by iCure.

You need to add these information in your newly created React.JS App. For this, rename the .env.default file to .env and complete the values of the corresponding variables.


If you decided to use the iCure DEMO Friendly-Captcha, don't forget this is a TEMPORARY solution. Make sure to create your own Google ReCaptcha v3 or Friendly-Captcha Secret Key, as you will have a limited number of allowed authentications before the DEMO key expires.


As explained earlier, if you're using the Google reCAPTCHA instead of the Friendly-Captcha, you'll need to do some changes in the project. After you created your Google reCAPTCHA component, include it in the pages/LoginPage/index.tsx and pages/RegisterPage/index.tsx instead of the FriendlyCaptcha component. Go afterwards to the services/auth.api.ts file and replace any reference to friendly-captcha by recaptcha.

Launch your app​

Once you completed all the environment variables needed in the .env file, execute the following command in the terminal to launch your app in the browser:

cd <your-icure-medtech-react-app> && yarn start

Congratulations !​

You're fully ready to start creating medical data inside your React App ! Time to have a look to our various How To's pages and start implementing the functionalities of your choice.