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Petra: The Tutorial

Welcome to iCure! If you haven't had the chance to read the Introduction yet, we recommend you to do so before continuing this tutorial. This way, you'll have a clear understanding about what iCure and iCure MedTech are.

In this tutorial, we will show you how to create a patient-oriented medical application, using iCure MedTech SDK. Specifically, we will create Petra, a menstrual cycle tracking application. This app will allow patients to manage their menstrual cycle tracking data (CRUD operations) and optionally, share them with their doctor(s).

This tutorial will only focus on the features of the application and not on its design. To do so, we provide you a dedicated template repository, containing all the frontend code as well as all the different visuals you will need during this tutorial.

If you would like to directly browse the entire code of Petra, you can head to the final Petra code repository.


Throughout this tutorial, you will encounter a few different callouts to draw your attention:


Tips are here to give you some suggestions about the current topic and help you understand what you are doing and why you are doing it.


Cautions provide you advices about potentially sensitive information of the current topic. Those need to be read carefully, in order to know about potential inconveniences.


These callouts notify you about potentially dangerous information of the current topic. You need to read them carefully in order to avoid any issues during this tutorial.


These callouts provide you additional information to strengthen your understanding of the solution.

That being said, let's get started!