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A HealthElement is an encryptable, root-level entity that represents a medical event persistent in time. For example, it may represent an illness that lasts for a couple of days (e.g. a flu), a more prolonged state (e.g. pregnancy), or a permanent ailment (e.g. allergy).

Fields Encrypted by Default​

By default, the following fields of this entity will be encrypted:

  • descr
  • note
  • The markdown field in all the notes.

You can customize the encrypted fields as explained in this how to.


Below you will find an explanation of the most commonly used properties in the entity that are not among the shared fields. For a full list, check the reference documentation (🚧).


A collection of object that contain information about all the healthcare actor related to the condition of this HealthcareElement.


The closingDate represent the moment when the HealthElement ended. It is encoded as a FuzzyDateTime.


A human-readable description for the HealthElement.


A collection of objects that contain information about all the moments when the condition described by the HealthElement happened.


The id of the Contact that represents the encounter where this HealthElement was created.


The id of the Contact that represents the encounter where this HealthElement is closed.


The id of a Service if this HealthElement was created within a specific Service in a contact.


A textual note to include in the HealthElement.


Additional textual notes to include in the HealthElement.


The openingDate represent the starting moment of the event of the HealthElement. It is encoded as a FuzzyDateTime.


A collection of objects that contain information about all the healthcare approaches related to this HealthElement.


If the HealthElement was opened and closed on the same date, this field can be used instead of openingDate and closingDate. It is encoded as a FuzzyDateTime.