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A Service is an encryptable nested entity that represents all the medical data produced during a Contact, and is therefore nested into that entity. It can represent subjective information provided by the patient, such as complaints, reason for visits, feelings, etc. or objective information like biometric measures (blood pressure, temperature, heart beat, etc.), or physical exam description, diagnosis, prescription, integration of lab reports from another healthcare party, action plan, etc.

Any action performed by the HealthcareParty which is relevant for the healthcare element of a patient is considered a Service.

The services can be linked to healthcare elements or other structuring elements of the medical record.

Fields Encrypted by Default​

The Service is the only embedded entity that has its own encrypted manifest. By default, the following fields of this entity will be encrypted:

  • The markdown field in all the notes.

You can customize the encrypted fields as explained in this how to.


Below you will find an explanation of the most commonly used properties in the entity that are not among the shared fields. For a full list, check the reference documentation (🚧).


The closingDate represent the moment when the service ended. It is encoded as a FuzzyDateTime.


The id of the Contact where this Service is nested. This property will be automatically filled by the backend when the Service is created.

The use case for this property is to provide a link to the parent Contact in all the cases where the Service is retrieved on its own, by using a filter or a specialized get method.


Stores the data of the Service as a Content. Each content is associated to an ISO language code, to provide localized information if needed.


A numerical index that is used to sort the Services in the parent entity.


An unambiguous description of the information contained in the Service. Can be expressed in natural language or using a code from a codification system.


A list of textual remarks related to this Service.


The openingDate represent the starting moment of the Service. It is encoded as a FuzzyDateTime.


The ids of all the SubContacts that are used to link the Service with other entities, such as health elements or healthcare approaches.


If the Service was opened and closed on the same date, this field can be used instead of openingDate and closingDate. It is encoded as a FuzzyDateTime.