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Use Codification Systems

Codifications like SNOMED CT, ICD-10, or LOINC are used to express medical concepts in a formal and unambiguous way.

In Cardinal, codifications are represented through the Code entity, which can also be used to represent internal codification systems:

type = "INTERNAL",
code = "ANALYSIS",
version = "1",
label = mapOf("en" to "Internal analysis code")

id = "SNOMED|45007003|1",
type = "SNOMED",
code = "45007003",
version = "1",
label = mapOf("en" to "Low blood pressure")
id = "SNOMED|38341003|1",
type = "SNOMED",
code = "38341003",
version = "1",
label = mapOf("en" to "High blood pressure")
id = "SNOMED|2004005|1",
type = "SNOMED",
code = "2004005",
version = "1",
label = mapOf("en" to "Normal blood pressure")

The codification systems are supported, but the codes themselves are not present by default in the cloud.

A Code is defined by three properties:

  • type: Represents the codification system the code belongs to.
  • code: Represents the unique ID of the code within the codification system.
  • version: Allows versioning of the code, enabling the maintenance of both old and new versions when something in the Code is updated (such as the label or metadata). In this case, a new Code entity is created with the updated content and a new version.

A Code is uniquely identified by the type, code, version triple, so the ID of a Code is not a UUID but rather the string type|code|version.

A Code can be used to add additional context to other entities. In the following example, it is used to add a tag to a Service.

Like other entities, it is possible to search code to facilitate the retrieval: for example, it is possible to retrieve codes of a certain type searching for a word that is present in the label for a specific language:

val codeIterator = sdk.code.filterCodesBy(
language = "en",
label = "blood",
type = "SNOMED"

var selectedCode: Code? = null
while (codeIterator.hasNext() && selectedCode == null) {
val code =
print("Use this code? [y/N]: ")
val use = readln().trim().lowercase() == "y"
if (use) {
selectedCode = code

val patient = sdk.patient.createPatient(
id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
firstName = "Annabelle",
lastName = "Hall",
).let { sdk.patient.withEncryptionMetadata(it) }

val formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyyMMddHHmmss")
val contact = DecryptedContact(
id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
descr = "Blood pressure measurement",
openingDate =,
services = setOf(
id = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
label = "Blood pressure",
content = mapOf(
"en" to DecryptedContent(
measureValue = Measure(
value = Random.nextInt(80, 120).toDouble(),
unit = "mmHg"
tags = setOf(
id =,
type = selectedCode.type,
code = selectedCode.code,
version = selectedCode.version

val createdContact =, patient)

In this snippet, the user can choose a Code from all the SNOMED codes that contain the word "blood" in their label in English. Then, a Contact is created that contains a Service for a blood pressure measurement, and a tag is added for the SNOMED code of high, low, or normal blood pressure as a CodeStub, a reference to a Code that includes only the type, code, and version.

Codes can also be used to filter entities:

val serviceIterator =
tagType = selectedCode.type,
tagCode = selectedCode.code

println("Result of searching by code: \${}")
while (serviceIterator.hasNext()) {
val service =

This example shows how to retrieve all the Services that have a tag with the specified type and code and are shared with the current user.