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Home header

Now that we have the required endpoints, we can start implementing the frontend.

1. Uncomment the Header component

In the src/screen/Home.tsx file, uncomment the Header component section.

<ScrollView contentContainerStyle={styles.homeScreen}>
<View style={styles.contentTopBlock}>
<Header userName={patient?.firstName || patient?.lastName ? `${patient.firstName} ${patient.lastName}` : 'Dear User'} />
<Image style={styles.logo} source={require('../assets/images/logo-with-pod.png')} />
<TouchableOpacity style={styles.infoIcnContainer} onPress={() => setSymbolsExplanationModalVisible(true)}>
<Image style={styles.infoIcn} source={require('../assets/images/info.png')} />
<AdvancedCalendar />
<CyclesHistory />
onRequestClose={() => {
<SymbolsExplanationModal onClose={() => setSymbolsExplanationModalVisible(!symbolsExplanationmodalVisible)} />

This will display the Header component at the top of the screen.

2. Fetch the current parient

In the src/screen/Home.tsx file, add the following code to fetch the current patient.

  const {data: patient} = useCurrentPatientQuery();

So now we have the header that displays the first and last name of our patient. There is also a button that the patient can press to edit their profile, share their data and log out.