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Update the user

Now that we have the API setup, we can implement the update user functionality. We will use the createOrUpdatePatient endpoint that we created in the previous step.

First step is to uncomment the JSX code of src/components/EditUserDataModal/index.tsx

Second step is to add the logic to update the user. We will use the createOrUpdatePatient endpoint that we created in the previous step.

const {data: patient, isFetching} = useCurrentPatientQuery();
const [createOrUpdatePatient] = useCreateOrUpdatePatientMutation();

const handleSave = (data: {
firstName: string;
lastName: string;
email: string;
mobilePhone: string;
dateOfBirth: number
}) => {
const {firstName, lastName, email, mobilePhone, dateOfBirth} = data;

const address = new Address({
addressType: 'home',
telecoms: [
new Telecom({
telecomType: 'email',
telecomNumber: email,
new Telecom({
telecomType: 'mobile',
telecomNumber: mobilePhone,

createOrUpdatePatient(new Patient({...patient, firstName, lastName, dateOfBirth, addresses: [address]}));


We fetch the current user with the useCurrentPatientQuery hook. Then, we export the createOrUpdatePatient mutation to be able to update the user.

Once our user will save the form, we will create a new Patient object with the new data and call the createOrUpdatePatient mutation.

Now, we can test our application. If we go to the My information modal, we can update the user data and save it. If we go back to the Home activity, we can see that the user data has been updated on the header.