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User API

In order to interact with the user, we will use the UserApi. This API will allow us to update the current user, manage the delegations of our user and log out.

First step is to create the so called UserApi that will allow us to interact with the User API.

import {createApi, fetchBaseQuery} from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react';
import {User} from '@icure/medical-device-sdk';
import {guard, medTechApi, currentUser, setUser} from './api';

export const userApiRtk = createApi({
reducerPath: 'userApi',
tagTypes: ['User'],
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: '/rest/v1/user',
endpoints: builder => ({
shareDataWith: builder.mutation<User, { ids: string[] }>({
async queryFn({ids}, {getState, dispatch}) {
const {userApi} = await medTechApi(getState);
return guard([userApi], async () => {
const updatedUser = await userApi.shareAllFutureDataWith(ids, 'medicalInformation');
dispatch(setUser({user: updatedUser.marshal() as User}));
return updatedUser;
invalidatesTags: [{type: 'User', id: 'all'}],
stopSharingWith: builder.mutation<User, { ids: string[] }>({
async queryFn({ids}, {getState, dispatch}) {
const {userApi} = await medTechApi(getState);
return guard([userApi], async () => {
const updatedUser = await userApi.stopSharingDataWith(ids, 'medicalInformation');
dispatch(setUser({user: updatedUser.marshal() as User}));
return updatedUser;
invalidatesTags: [{type: 'User', id: 'all'}],

export const {useCreateOrModifyUserMutation, useShareDataWithMutation, useStopSharingWithMutation} = userApiRtk;

Let's take a look at the shareDataWith endpoint will allow us to share the data of the current user with other users. We will use the UserApi to share the data and then we will update the current user in the store.


Sharing data with/Adding auto-delegations to other users is not retroactive. It means that if you share your data with another user, the data that wasn't shared before will not be shared with the new user. It only concerns the data that will be created after the sharing.


export const userApiRtk = createApi({
reducerPath: 'userApi',
tagTypes: ['User'],
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: '/rest/v1/user',
endpoints: builder => ({
shareDataWith: builder.mutation<User, { ids: string[] }>({
async queryFn({ids}, {getState, dispatch}) {
const {userApi} = await medTechApi(getState);
return guard([userApi], async () => {
const updatedUser = await userApi.shareAllFutureDataWith(ids, 'medicalInformation');
dispatch(setUser({user: updatedUser.marshal() as User}));
return updatedUser;
invalidatesTags: [{type: 'User', id: 'all'}],
// ...

The stopSharingWith endpoint will allow us to stop sharing the data of the current user with other users. We will use the UserApi to stop sharing the data and then we will update the current user in the store.


Same principle for the stopSharingWith endpoint. It will only stop sharing the data that will be created after the call.


export const userApiRtk = createApi({
reducerPath: 'userApi',
tagTypes: ['User'],
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: '/rest/v1/user',
endpoints: builder => ({
// ...
stopSharingWith: builder.mutation<User, { ids: string[] }>({
async queryFn({ids}, {getState, dispatch}) {
const {userApi} = await medTechApi(getState);
return guard([userApi], async () => {
const updatedUser = await userApi.stopSharingDataWith(ids, 'medicalInformation');
dispatch(setUser({user: updatedUser.marshal() as User}));
return updatedUser;
invalidatesTags: [{type: 'User', id: 'all'}],

There's others way to share data with other users. You can check the Sharing data guide.

Store and reducer​

Now that we have our UserApi, we will to add a store and a reducer to our app store and app reducer.

export const store = configureStore({
reducer: persistedReducer,
middleware: getDefaultMiddleware =>
getDefaultMiddleware({serializableCheck: false, immutableCheck: false}).concat(
export const appReducer = combineReducers({
petra: petra.reducer,
medTechApi: api.reducer,
dataSampleApi: dataSampleApiRtk.reducer,
patientApi: patientApiRtk.reducer,
userApi: userApiRtk.reducer,