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Patient API

Now that we can add, view, edit and delete data through DataSamples, we will explore features in this chapter to edit the attributes of our Patient (our user) and allow them to potentially share their data with their doctors.

First step is to create the so called PatientApi that will allow us to interact with the Patient API. This API will allow us to fetch our current patient.

import {createApi, fetchBaseQuery} from '@reduxjs/toolkit/query/react';
import {Patient} from '@icure/medical-device-sdk';
import {currentUser, guard, medTechApi} from './api';

export const patientApiRtk = createApi({
reducerPath: 'patientApi',
tagTypes: ['Patient'],
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: '/rest/v1/patient',
endpoints: builder => ({
currentPatient: builder.query<Patient, void>({
async queryFn(_, {getState}) {
const {patientApi, dataOwnerApi} = await medTechApi(getState);
const user = currentUser(getState);
return guard([patientApi, dataOwnerApi], () => {
const dataOwner = dataOwnerApi.getDataOwnerIdOf(user);
return patientApi.getPatient(dataOwner);
providesTags: ({id}) => [{type: 'Patient', id}],

export const {useCurrentPatientQuery} = patientApiRtk;

In our case, the Patient is the current user. We will use the DataOwnerApi to get the DataOwnerId of the current user and then use the PatientApi to get the Patient associated to this DataOwnerId.

Then, we will create an endpoint to update the Patient:

export const patientApiRtk = createApi({
reducerPath: 'patientApi',
tagTypes: ['Patient'],
baseQuery: fetchBaseQuery({
baseUrl: '/rest/v1/patient',
endpoints: builder => ({
currentPatient: builder.query<Patient, void>({
async queryFn(_, {getState}) {
const {patientApi, dataOwnerApi} = await medTechApi(getState);
const user = currentUser(getState);
return guard([patientApi, dataOwnerApi], () => {
const dataOwner = dataOwnerApi.getDataOwnerIdOf(user);
return patientApi.getPatient(dataOwner);
providesTags: ({id}) => [{type: 'Patient', id}],
createOrUpdatePatient: builder.mutation<Patient, Patient>({
async queryFn(patient, { getState }) {
const { patientApi } = await medTechApi(getState);
return guard([patientApi], () => {
return patientApi.createOrModifyPatient(patient);
invalidatesTags: ({ id }) => [{ type: 'Patient', id }],

This endpoint will allow us to update the Patient by calling the createOrModifyPatient method of the PatientApi.

Store and reducer​

Now that we have our PatientApi, we will to add a store and a reducer to our app store and app reducer.

export const store = configureStore({
reducer: persistedReducer,
middleware: getDefaultMiddleware =>
getDefaultMiddleware({serializableCheck: false, immutableCheck: false}).concat(
export const appReducer = combineReducers({
petra: petra.reducer,
medTechApi: api.reducer,
dataSampleApi: dataSampleApiRtk.reducer,
patientApi: patientApiRtk.reducer,